Soul Alignment Strategy Sessions

What a difference a year can make and why I am so grateful for things you can’t see with the Naked eye, My Guides, this is what I call Faith!

There are two pictures below; This isn’t one of those games where I put two images side by side and ask you what has changed, although I love those games. These are two different pictures a year apart. One is from September 17, 2017, and the other on September 16, 2018.

For six years I knew I wanted to move but had no idea where I was supposed to go, and my Guides weren’t telling me. I’d ask and hear silence. I spent so much time researching the best places to live, looking at the Real estate and even visiting some of those towns. When I was slated to take a trip to Marin, I was hesitant. It wasn’t a great time to travel. Why was this place going to be different than the others? I couldn’t bring my dogs, so I didn’t want to go. On and on were the excuses why I should stay at home. I sat quietly in meditation asking my Guides what to do. “Should I go to Marin?” And before they answered, I listed all the things I was busy doing. Then I asked, “Will this be the place I move?”

Because they weren’t ready to fully answer and I wasn’t wholly listening, they gave me a vision of a beautiful yellow and black butterfly. I had never seen a butterfly like this one. I finished my meditation and decided to take my dogs for a walk. I walked out my front door and stopped dead in my tracks. Tears instantly stung my eyes. I couldn’t believe what I saw but there in front of me, flying around my yard was a big yellow and black butterfly. I knew I was meant to go to Marin!

Picture number one is from the time I first visited Marin, and on the day I was leaving, I went to the art fair in Old Mill Park. I was convinced I wanted to move to Marin but had no idea how I was going to make it happen or when. This grand leap of faith to live somewhere where I didn’t know anyone. Back I went to the heat of LA wracking my brain of how I was going to make this move. I staggered between making this happen and putting it off.

September 17, 2017

My Guides walked with me every step of the way and told me to visit one more time to know for sure that this is what I wanted to do. The weekend of February 18th, I came to Marin one more time with my dogs and decided this was the place for me. In less than four months I sold my house and bought a house in a town where people told me it was impossible to live. I didn’t listen to those people, I was committed to my heart and only listened to my Guides.

Picture number two is from September 16, 2018. Now as a resident I went back to the Old Mill Park and walked around and thought, “Wow, what a difference a year can make.”

September 16, 2018

Weekly wisdom: Commit to yourself and what makes you happy, hand it over to your Guides and watch the signs and listen for the steps of inspiration and walk on out into your beautiful life.

For this and my Guides, I am eternally grateful.



P.S. – Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you grow:

1. Join my free Facebook community. 
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Next Level Living

This year-long program focuses on YOU living your life with purpose. We will deep dive into your soul, your gifts so you can bridge the gap from where you are to where you want to be while living your greatest adventure.

4. 1-on-1 Coaching. 
Coaching sessions will not only help you find your joy and passion, but they’ll also help you put it into your everyday life—through your current career or a new one—so that you can create a life you love living. If you are interested, please fill out the application.