Do you feel trapped in your life without options? Are you dreaming with brackets? Do you know what it means to dream with brackets on? People limit themselves from dreaming because they believe they can’t have what they always wanted, due to past disappointments or being told they aren’t good enough. This is a form of living in scarcity and fear consciousness. Feeling like you are always fighting and not in flow. Not knowing what you are meant to do. You can’t find your purpose if you are stuck in lack minded consciousness. How do you shift into abundance when all you are experiencing is scarcity? Do you want to know how I went from paralyzed with fear to living in my dream house? Join me as I share three amazing tips that you can practice every day so you too can make your dreams a reality.

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Marilyn’s Soul Session Summary

Isn’t it strange how you can deeply want something, but at the same time, you try talking yourself out of it, putting conditions and brackets on it, or otherwise limiting yourself from going for it?

Maybe there’s fear or scarcity involved in your life—past disappointments, hurtful things others have said, or a tough situation you can’t see your way out of—that has lead you to believe that you can’t have what you want.

It’s okay to want things, and it’s okay to have those things. It’s important to remember that. I have a daily ritual that keeps that knowledge alive and thriving in my world, and I’m going to share it with you.

Weekly Wisdom: Be gentle with yourself and your soul. Don’t wait until your to-do list is checked off to reward yourself. It makes your tasks torture. Reward yourself every day, regardless of your to-do list.

3 Steps to More Options and Bracket-less Dreams

1. Get in touch with one way you’d like to feel every day.

Maybe you want to feel happy, peaceful, secure, safe, joyful, free, energetic, prosperous, abundant, centered, and confident. It’s okay to want multiple things, but for now, pick just one of those feelings.

2. Breathe into that feeling every morning and choose one space where you’re going to do something so that you can experience that feeling today.

If you’d like to feel happy, think about things you already have or do that make you happy. It can be as simple as pouring yourself a glass of refreshing water, acknowledging how grateful you are that you have easy access to something as wonderful as clean water, and celebrating that fact with happiness as you drink it.

It can be playing with your dog, snuggling with your kids, walking in a park, looking at pictures of the place where you’d like to live, feeling sunshine on your face, celebrating that you are free to walk out your door and come home, dancing in the rain, or any number of things. Plan and experience for your feeling and follow through with your plan.

3. Do it, build it, and the rewards will come.

If you build the above steps into a ritual you do every single day, more joy will come into your life, opportunities will spontaneously occur, and inspiration will come. It may take two to three weeks before you start noticing these changes, but they will happen.

What if you don’t know what your dream is?

Worry less about it. Instead, focus on how you want to feel each day and on building moments where you get to feel that feeling.

What if you know your dream but aren’t sure what the next step is or how to bring it to life?

Feeling a gap between the big vision and the next step is common.

Part of the reason you don’t know your next step is that you can’t have a sense of reference for things that you have no experience with. We learn what to do through experience. So, when you’re following your dreams, you have to learn as you go because you’re heading into new territory.

Your next step doesn’t have to be the perfect step. Take a step and learn from it. When you focus on what you want to feel and make sure that you’re experiencing it every day, you’ll make fewer mistakes and get better at recognizing what needs to come next.

If your next step is nothing more than making the above ritual part of your life, it’s a good step. It’s certainly a million times better than doing nothing and remaining stuck where you are out of fear and self-imposed limitations.

Next week, I’ll be live on Tuesday at 12 pm Pacific. I look forward to seeing you there!



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