Listen as I interview Saryon Michael White all about The Prophecies of Roya Sands! As I talk about below, listen to Saryon Michael White describe how he overcame such difficult tough times to finally achieve his creative goals and dreams through his amazing channeled literary works.

Unlike the flood of novels, movies, and TV shows about teens and young adults developing unrealistic superpowers, Roya’s story is about the kind of extraordinary feats of perception, personal power, and intuitive capabilities that are truly attainable for seekers of truth. In this talk, Saryon relates a number of real, visionary prophecies and experiences that became the basis for his new fiction series. Not since the Celestine Prophecy has a fictional narrative laid out such clear and prophetic guidance about both the challenges and inspiring potentials of humanity’s awakening.

Saryon Michael White is a visionary author, world traveler, and international speaker. Inspired by visions of humanity’s peace potential, part of his global mission is to link people with the emerging resonance of human unity through his inspired writings and speeches.

Soul Alignment Strategy Sessions

Tough times happen to everyone. They can be everything from a natural disaster to a financial crisis to growing pains and everything in between.

The worst of those moments is when you can’t see your way through. It’s one thing to have a temporary setback; it’s another to feel trapped with no way out of the situation.

So, what do you? How do you cope?

If there is an obvious solution, you set to work making it happen. But if not, find a new mantra and live by it.

You can call it a mantra, prayer, psalm, song lyric, or affirmation. The name doesn’t matter. When you’re dealing with tough times, find something that resonates with you and repeat it when you feel down and lost.

Back in 2015, I knew that I desperately wanted to move, but I couldn’t see a way out of that place. I wasn’t sure how it would help, but every single night, I read bible verses that I’d written on a piece of paper.

They calmed me and gave me the strength and courage I needed to continue looking for solutions.

And it worked! I’m now living in a slice of heaven! My new home is beautiful, the natural surroundings I need are right outside my front door, and I get to work in an office that has a magnificent view of lush trees.

My tough times include things a lot worse than living somewhere I didn’t like, but I’ll share those stories with you on another day.

Today, if life feels like everything is going wrong, find your mantra and repeat it daily. Listen above to Saryon Michael White for inspiration to hold onto your dreams and goals even in difficult times. (Particularly around the 36-minute mark when he talks about tapping into your future self for guidance.) And then, use this week’s wisdom as needed.

Weekly Wisdom: “Take a shower, wash off the day. Drink a glass of water. Make the room dark. Lie down and close your eyes. Notice the silence. Notice your heart. Still beating. Still fighting. You made it, after all. You made it, another day. And you can make it one more. You’re doing just fine.” ~ Charlotte Eriksson

Next week, you’ll learn about a simple exercise that can help you find your joy.



P.S. – Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you grow:

1. Join my free Facebook community. 
It’s a supportive, free Facebook group community full of like-minded individuals. You can find that here, and please be sure to answer the questions.

2. Become a #soulstar.
Join my #soulstars in Membership for Your Soul, where you can ask questions, get support, and get much more access to me. If you are looking for a tribe of amazing people who are doing the work with love and kindness, this is it. You also get lessons, bonuses, guest speakers, and Q&A calls each month, along with some surprises.

3. Sign up for a reading with me.

Next Level Living

This year-long program focuses on YOU living your life with purpose. We will deep dive into your soul, your gifts so you can bridge the gap from where you are to where you want to be while living your greatest adventure.

4. 1-on-1 Coaching. 
Coaching sessions will not only help you find your joy and passion, but they’ll also help you put it into your everyday life—through your current career or a new one—so that you can create a life you love living. If you are interested, please fill out the application.