Soul Alignment Strategy Sessions

Last week, you gained a valuable tool in the “1 to 10 Exercise” to help you discover what makes you happy. By now, you should have a list of things that rate 7 or higher.

You might be thinking, “That’s great and all Marilyn, but what do I DO with those things? How does knowing them help me live a soul-aligned life?

I get it. Eating apple pie might be a 10 on your list, but earning a living eating pie might not be something you feel strongly about and want.

Here’s the life-changing question you need to ask, “Is there anything on my list that I want to make money doing, or do I want to make a salary doing something unrelated so that I can do more of the 7-10’s that I love?”

There are a lot of entrepreneurs in our community, but there is nothing that says that you have to be one to live a soul-aligned life.

Weekly Wisdom: I heard Spirit say, “Take the wheel in all areas of your life. No one has the power to tell you who or what you are. Your relationship is with us, not with them.”

Now, hating your job and being miserable while you’re at work isn’t acceptable. But, if you’re okay with your job and it lets you do more of the things you love (your 7 to 10’s) on a daily basis, that can be living in alignment with your soul.

If you hate your job or are miserable there, find a new job! You don’t have to quit right now. There are plenty of services that help you to confidentially find a better position.

What if you looked through your list and you would like to earn a living eating pie, but you think it’s silly and impossible? Stop limiting yourself! And, if you want to work with a Guide who can help you, join the Unleash Your Guides Challenge HERE. (Feel free to share this with your friends!)



P.S. – Tell your friends and family about the Unleash Your Guides Challenge by forwarding this email and having them click HERE.

P.P.S. – Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you grow:

1. Join my free Facebook community. 
It’s a supportive, free Facebook group community full of like-minded individuals. You can find that here, and please be sure to answer the questions.

2. Become a #soulstar.
Join my #soulstars in Membership for Your Soul, where you can ask questions, get support, and get much more access to me. If you are looking for a tribe of amazing people who are doing the work with love and kindness, this is it. You also get lessons, bonuses, guest speakers, and Q&A calls each month, along with some surprises.

3. Sign up for a reading with me.

Next Level Living

This year-long program focuses on YOU living your life with purpose. We will deep dive into your soul, your gifts so you can bridge the gap from where you are to where you want to be while living your greatest adventure.

4. 1-on-1 Coaching. 
Coaching sessions will not only help you find your joy and passion, but they’ll also help you put it into your everyday life—through your current career or a new one—so that you can create a life you love living. If you are interested, please fill out the application.