Are spiritual alignment and soul alignment the same? Different? How do you know when you’re aligned? Can you feel it all the time? And how does spiritual alignment relate to your purpose? Does it even relate? And what does your soul have to do with all of this?

If you are asking yourself these questions, you have come to the right place.

I feel like I’ve been studying soul/spiritual alignment since I was a little girl. I’ve always had those big questions running through my brain.

Who am I? Why am I here? How did I get here? What is this all about? What does religion have to do with it? Is religion the only way?

Spiritual Alignment: Discovering What it Means for YOU

Around nine years old, lying on our new rust-colored couch in Brooklyn, my face shoved deep into the side of the cushions to drown out my world, I went on a journey. Apparently a spiritual one, but I wouldn’t learn that until years later. Slowly, I began releasing everything in my life. My home, parents, siblings, animals, backyard. Rising way up above my house, now releasing the telephone pole, trees, moon, stars and finally arriving into the vast universe and I became one. My attachment, need, worry, fear were all gone. All I could feel was complete peace, and it was beautiful.

I don’t know how long it lasted or what made me come out of it, but I remember it was exquisite. I did it one more time and had the same results. That memory, along with the ability to go there, slipped out the window as the craziness and trauma took over my life, fragmenting my being into many pieces.

It wasn’t until years later when I discovered my work today as a medium/channeler and started learning more about where we go when we leave here that I remembered that rust-colored couch and self meditation. How did I know at such a young age that releasing the craziness I was identifying with would bring me in alignment and home to my soul?


Now I will not tell you to shove your face in a rust-colored couch and release everything to feel aligned. Instead, I want to invite you on an inquisitive journey that will bring into consciousness of what alignment is for you. So you can discover your truth, not mine.

None of us know why we are here, or how we got here, which is a big component to understanding alignment. It’s important you decide for yourself what alignment feels like so you can anchor into the experience and stay aligned. By deciding what spiritual alignment is and how it relates to your soul, your purpose. Then you can live an aligned life.

Here are some techniques, tools and questions you can ask yourself. First ask yourself…

How does it feel to be spiritually aligned?

Close your eyes, think about it now.

Peaceful? Free? Relaxed? Inspired?

Not sure. That’s okay.

Now ask yourself, what do you love?

Your dog? Nature? Kids? Coaching others? How do those things make you feel?

List them out. The more you feel Love, peace, relaxed, the more you will feel aligned and know your truth. Because true spiritual alignment means there is no separation, no anxiety. Only love.

Do you agree?

Now here’s another question to ask yourself.

Can you feel spiritually aligned 24/7?

spiritual meditation seeking alignment

And if you were spiritually aligned 24/7, would you even know when you weren’t feeling aligned?

Or would you just enter a new “out of alignment” and “in alignment” phase?

We are here to experience life. Every moment is an opportunity to get into more alignment. To learn the truth of why we are here. To become one with our soul.

Spiritual alignment develops just like our consciousness. We are constantly awakening to new levels of consciousness. The more we grow, learn about ourselves, question things around us, become intimate with our soul, the more awareness increases and we become more aligned. The more you develop, the more you align. It’s that simple. It never stays the same because you never stay the same.

Did that idea just knock you out of alignment? Are you afraid you will never achieve Navana? Do you want to achieve it? Do you achieve it when you leave here? Or can you achieve it while you continue to discover more of yourself?

Let me add some peace to your never-ending quest for the truth. You can get into alignment any time and when you fall out, it’s a wonderful opportunity to know the Universe is actually helping you to get in even more alignment. That thing that just happened that caused you friction in your life – it’s happening for you, not to you. The Universe knows there is more for you. Through your desires to live more fully, passionately you reach another level alignment, therefore reaching the next level of you.

Spiritual Alignment vs Soul Alignment

Now let me ask you, are your soul and spirit the same?

You get to decide, but for me, they are the same. My soul is my spirit. When I’m aligned, I am aligned to my soul/spirit.

Just chose to either believe they are separate or the same so you don’t jump back and forth. If you can define what spirit and soul are for you, you will grow closer to your truth. The more you get to know yourself, you know the drill by now, the more you align.

This conversation with yourself is your spirituality.

What is spiritual to me is my soul, my spirit. It is my religion. It’s what I believe.

Define what spirituality is to you. Why are you here and what happens to you when you leave?

It’s all tied in together. Your understanding of this is your soul, your spirituality, your truth. And all these answers help you understand your purpose because the more you can define why you are here and how you got here, the move you form a belief system that supports your way of living.

So spend your time thinking about what spirituality is to you. What makes you feel spiritual? And do those things more often and you will feel more aligned.

Is it walking in nature? Petting your dog? Coaching people to greatness? Do the things that connect you to feeling good and that connect you to your soul. The more you connect to yourself, and what feels wonderful, the more you get aligned. Connection to ourselves is the most important connection of all, and that is where we experience alignment, oneness, and peace.

How do you spiritually align with purpose?

Knowing what “spiritual” is to you will start helping you to understand your purpose in this life.

So many people worry about their purpose as if there is only one! There are many.

Your purpose is always growing with you. All those things you love, that bring you peace, that are spiritual to you, help you understand your purpose here in this world. Ask yourself how you want to feel.

Do you want to feel…





Inspired, etc.

All the above? How can you feel them regularly? When do you not feel them? How can you get back into them when you aren’t feeling them? Do you know?

When you get clear on how you want to feel and you create situations that help you feel more of what you desire and you come home to your soul. Your purpose is more about how you want to feel regularly than what it is you are meant to do. Once you are clear on how you want to feel, you build on that by asking yourself what you love to do. Combine the feeling and what you love to do, and you will find your purpose. Your purpose can’t be defined as one thing because you aren’t just one thing. You re a multi-dimensional person.

You have so many layers to you. The more you discover who you are, what you love and what makes you feel love and peace, the more you discover why you are here on this earth and that brings you to your purpose. Now you are growing your consciousness, soul/spirit and your purpose.

Feelings can supply you with so much information about who you are.

Finding & Maintaining Your Alignment

Here is the next questions:

  • Does your soul feel?
  • Does it communicate to you through feeling?
  • What does spirituality have to do with feeling?
  • What is the most spiritual thing to you in your life right now?
  • Are these questions too deep?
  • Do you struggle to find the answer?


The more you stay in the question, the more you find the answers, and that, my friends, brings you into alignment.

I’d be remiss if I was to end this blog post with a full-on answer what it means to be spiritually/soul aligned because it’s a never-ending question with beautiful answers that lead to another question that lead to even more life experiences and more synchronicities and more answers. Ahhhh, Alignment.

Live in alignment by living in the experience of your life. Don’t look for one answer. Stay in the quest for knowledge. How deep you can go? Very deep because you are magnificently layered and beautiful.

Your alignment is your truth, your purpose, your magic, your questions, your desires, your inspiration, creativity, and so much more.

Start there and you will be spiritually aligned and live your purpose. I guarantee it.

To start feeling aligned today. Do these few simple techniques.

Spiritual Alignment Exercise

  1. Close your eyes and breathe into the light inside your being. Don’t see the light, don’t worry. Just pick an area you feel the light lives.
  2. As you send breath to your light, notice the light flickering and growing. Your breath is giving it life. Continue to breathe into this light and grow it even bigger than you. As you exhale, see this light leaving you and surrounding you and heading out to the Universe connecting to Soure/infinite intelligence/God, whatever word works for you.
  3. Feel that connection. Know you are never alone. As you inhale, you are breathing in sources energy and love for you. Breathe in and out with this infinite energy.
  4. Do a few cycles of breath and when you are done, take all that light, all that energy and bring it back into that initial flickering light.

How do you feel? Did you feel aligned? I’d love to know.
Enjoy this magical ride called life.