Soul Alignment Strategy Sessions

A weird thing happens as we go through life. We get so caught up in the day-to-day that we forget what brings us joy.

It’s not just that we forget to do things that make us happy, it’s that we’ve changed enough and stuck with our routines for so long that we no longer know what makes our souls sing.

I reached this point several years ago. I was miserable and bored with life. I knew I needed a change, but when I searched my head and heart, I came up empty. I didn’t have a clue about what, but I knew that something needed to change. Have you ever felt that way?

My Guides gave me a life-changing exercise, and I’m going to share it with you because it’s a great way to find your joy.

The 1 to 10 Exercise

Every night for three weeks, write down the events of your day and rate each one from 1 to 10 with 1 being the least and 10 being the most fun.

For example:

  • 10 talking to Rudy, the sales clerk at the supermarket
  • 8 yoga class today (it was friggin’ hard but great)
  • 2 scooping the litter box
  • 10 kisses from my dogs
  • 7 Making coffee

A few amazing things happened:

  • First, I realized that there were more things in the 7-10 range than I realized. That helped me experience gratitude every day.
  • Second, as the days passed, I started actively working to add more 7’s to 10’s while cutting anything at a 6 and below. That added joy and decreased aggravation.
  • Third, I was often surprised by the things that brought me happiness. It turns out that I didn’t know myself as well as I thought I did.

My days are now mostly filled with 7’s to 10’s (that pesky litter box is still a 2!), and I’m no longer miserable or bored. I’m happy and living from the seat of my soul. Plus, I get to help people find their joy, whatever it might be. And I love that!

Weekly Wisdom: “I have this excellent notion that we each have our own soul’s purpose. We aren’t meant to be in a spiritual pissing contest. You be you and do your thing. I will be me and do my thing. Anything more or less is a waste of precious energy.” ~ Mishi McCoy

Next week, we’ll talk about an amazing question and how answering it makes it vastly easier to live a soul-aligned life. And, I’m going to give you a tidbit of what you can do with all those 7 to 10’s on your list.

Meanwhile, try the 1 to 10 exercise and leave me a comment about what you discovered!



P.S. – Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you grow:

1. Join my free Facebook community. 
It’s a supportive, free Facebook group community full of like-minded individuals. You can find that here, and please be sure to answer the questions.

2. Become a #soulstar.
Join my #soulstars in Membership for Your Soul, where you can ask questions, get support, and get much more access to me. If you are looking for a tribe of amazing people who are doing the work with love and kindness, this is it. You also get lessons, bonuses, guest speakers, and Q&A calls each month, along with some surprises.

3. Sign up for a reading with me.

Next Level Living

This year-long program focuses on YOU living your life with purpose. We will deep dive into your soul, your gifts so you can bridge the gap from where you are to where you want to be while living your greatest adventure.

4. 1-on-1 Coaching. 
Coaching sessions will not only help you find your joy and passion, but they’ll also help you put it into your everyday life—through your current career or a new one—so that you can create a life you love living. If you are interested, please fill out the application.