I want to talk about the difference between psychics and mediums. I’m a big believer that we’re all gifted and I want to encourage you to learn what your gifts are. 

My definition of medium is not so traditional, but it’s what works for me. For me, mediumship is like channeling. I’m a medium between another dimension, another guide into the person I’m reading for. And a psychic will usually read everything that you already know. It’s easy for them because you’re wearing it like a coat, like your aura. 

In this episode, I’m also telling you how I met my first guide, Simon, at a therapy session. He worked with me for about a year and really taught me about my other guides. He was the one who really introduced me to them and taught me how to work with them.

In this episode you’ll learn: 

-How I met my first guide, Simon

-The difference between psychic and medium

-The symbolism of ducks

-Why medium readings are not all about your deceased loved ones

-Why I think everyone is gifted


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