Marilyn’s Soul Sessions
As many of you know, I’ve been involved in moving to a new home the last couple of months. The process is almost over, but it’s been a true test of walking my talk. Here is the beautiful view I had while having my coffee…
The workers should be done at my new house after this week, and I’m looking forward to getting to interact with you again at a Facebook Live next Wednesday. I’ve missed you!
My life has been a little chaotic, but without my Guides…I can barely stand to think of how things could have gone. They kept me from rolling up in a ball, crying my eyes out, and letting the stress eat away at my health and quality of life.
Because of them, I was able to DO SOMETHING when it felt like everything (including me and my emotions) was falling apart. I took care of myself, kept the stress in check, reached out when I needed help, said ‘no’ to past fears and habits that tried to creep in, and kept breathing and trusting. And let me tell ya, it saved me. My connection to my Guides made all the difference.
Weekly Wisdom: “It’s easy to feel that significant change is out of reach, that you have been given a bit of a bum rap in some area of your life, and that you don’t know where to begin to get to a different place. So, you wait and hope that somehow something changes…you may even justify that behavior by telling yourself that if nothing changes, at least you didn’t make things worse. However, the bigger the transformation you want, the more likely it is that the change required to get there is something small—a quick reframe of the situation, releasing a limiting belief, letting go of something harmful, or giving yourself permission to be happy and successful—and suddenly, you break free and are on your way.” ~ Kathryn Woodall
I grew up in such a poor family with scarcity and fear as a constant part of life. If I can leave that behind and live (and thrive!) in abundance, you can too. You can be on the verge of a big change and not be able to see it or know which way to go. But it’s still possible for you.
There was a time when I couldn’t have fathomed having such an amazing life. But I do. And my Guides helped make that possible.
If you want a better connection with your Guides, why not join the 5-Day Abundance Challenge? It’s free, it’s powerful, and it can change your life.
Abundant Living with Your Guides will show you how to connect with your Guides—no abundance genes, pre-healing, celestial gift, sabbatical, or special starting place required.
- You’ll get a simple, highly effective exercise to help you see, hear, and feel your Guides.
- You’ll learn to ask questions, understand the answers, and lay a basic foundation for greater joy and abundance in your life.
Sign up for it here:
➔ Click HERE and type the word GO into the comments.
Next week, I’ll be live on Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. PT. Join me, invite a friend if you’d like, and let’s keep going and growing together!
➔ I go live almost every week on my business page, and you can join it here You can make this page a shortcut on Facebook, so you don’t lose it.