How to Find Your Joy

Soul Alignment Strategy Sessions A weird thing happens as we go through life. We get so caught up in the day-to-day that we forget what brings us joy. It’s not just that we forget to do things that make us happy, it’s that we’ve changed enough and stuck with our...

What Gets You Through Tough Times?

Listen as I interview Saryon Michael White all about The Prophecies of Roya Sands! As I talk about below, listen to Saryon Michael White describe how he overcame such difficult tough times to finally achieve his creative goals and dreams through his amazing channeled...

You and Your Soul’s Purpose

Soul Alignment Strategy Sessions Do you know your soul’s purpose? I’ve seen that question bring on cold sweats, confused looks, and tears of joy, depending on where the person was on their path. Wherever you fall with your answer, it’s okay. Weekly Wisdom: “There is...

We’re adding some SASS

Soul Alignment Strategy Sessions Marilyn’s Soul Sessions are getting an upgrade, including the name.  This is the first episode of the Soul Alignment Strategy Sessions (SASS). Everything evolves, and I want our work together to help you redefine and revive your life...

With a Little Help from My Friends

Marilyn's Soul Sessions Weekly Wisdom: “Whenever I feel weak, I’ll remember those who make me strong. And whenever I start to doubt myself, I’ll remember those who believe in me.” Last week I was walking Micah in the woods near my home. I always...

The Myth of Easy Peasy All the Way

Marilyn's Soul Sessions Some spiritual teachers who claim that once you connect with Source/God, you’ll never have to struggle again. I call BS on that! It’s a wonderful theory, but it leads to massive disappointment (along with guilt, doubt, and unfair expectations)...

What is your Higher Self?

This is an absolute must before any major decision! Join me to learn how to make empowered decisions and unleash your most powerful, magical Guide! Click to Watch on YouTube Enter the word HIGHER in the comment section of this post to get a free meditation to help...

How to do a reading for yourself

Tarot is an amazing tool that help Guide you in your life. It can give you direction on where to go, tell you what is blocking you and how to heal that block and even give you action steps to take so you are gliding along your path. Do you want to learn how to use...