How do you learn to love yourself?

Marilyn's Soul Alignment Strategy Sessions Someone in my Facebook group asked me, how do you learn to love yourself? That may seem like an odd question to some people, but for me, I fully understand it. For years I didn’t love myself and you could see it in the people...

What A Difference A Year Can Make!

Soul Alignment Strategy Sessions What a difference a year can make and why I am so grateful for things you can't see with the Naked eye, My Guides, this is what I call Faith! There are two pictures below; This isn't one of those games where I put two images side by...

The Question That Can Change Your Life

Soul Alignment Strategy Sessions Last week, you gained a valuable tool in the “1 to 10 Exercise” to help you discover what makes you happy. By now, you should have a list of things that rate 7 or higher. You might be thinking, “That’s great and all Marilyn, but what...