The Miracle of the Season

The Miracle of the Season

A couple of weeks ago I was leaving the doctor’s office when I noticed a nun sitting by the elevator talking on her phone. I pressed the elevator button and stared at her willing her to get off the phone. I grew up with nuns and went to a very private Catholic...
Expectations!  Do You Have Them?

Expectations! Do You Have Them?

Expectations! A strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future. Do you know where you have them and what they may do to you? Expectations of people or an outcome of an event can cause you to feel completely lost and let down if the end result is...


Today in my yoga class information starting downloading to me as I moved through my poses. I never know when inspiration will hit but when it does I have to remember it! Now as I sit here in front of my computer, ready to write, I find all that wisdom escaping me....