by marilynalauria | Jun 2, 2016 | Empathic |
I’m sure you have heard the words Empath, Empathic or even Empathic Ability thrown around. I always assume people know what it means – and know if they are one, but as I am finding out – that’s not always the case. An empath is someone who physically tunes...
by marilynalauria | May 27, 2016 | Alignment, Empowerment, Guidance |
What do you think when you hear the word Medium? Many “Mediums” define it as just talking to your deceased loved ones. I disagree. To me a Medium is someone who bridges the gap between our dimension and all of the other dimensions out there. A Medium channels...
by marilynalauria | May 13, 2016 | Coaching |
Have you ever hired a coach for anything? I don’t know about you, but for me I’ve always resisted the idea of a coach. I’d hire a therapist, trainer, healer, psychic, etc… but when it came to someone with the title “coach”? I would run! About 16 months ago, I hired a...
by marilynalauria | Mar 25, 2016 | Dreams & Symbols, Guidance |
I love my Guides! My Guides changed my life 12 years ago when they first appeared to me and they continue to enlighten, shift, expand and change it for the better. I want to teach all of you how to get the Guidance I get on a regular basis. The first time I met my...
by marilynalauria | Mar 22, 2016 | Guidance |
Hi there! Am I clear enough to receive messages from my Guides? What do I need to do to be clear? People often ask me this question thinking there is some magic formula out there that will bring them closer to their Guides. Can I drink Coke? Can I have wine? Do I have...