How do I  know I’m hearing my Guides?

How do I know I’m hearing my Guides?

I can’t tell you how many times people have said to me: “I can’t tell if it’s my Guides voice I’m hearing or my own.” So how can you tell? When I started channeling, my Guides spoke  to me on the right side of my head. While I truly felt it was them, in the early...
Do you see dead people like me?

Do you see dead people like me?

Let’s talk about seeing spirits. (Wooooo…insert spooky music here). hee hee. Yeah, I can laugh about this now but when this first started happening, it scared the bejeezus out of me. For those of you who don’t know my story about the first time spirits came to me, you...
Is that butterfly really a symbol?

Is that butterfly really a symbol?

Have you been seeing more symbols or visions since you started reading about clairvoyancy? I think one of the biggest questions is how to know if that symbol means anything. You might be wondering, “Is that butterfly a message from the beyond or is it just butterfly...