by marilynalauria | Jan 11, 2018 | Abundance, Coaching |
I discovered something lately that I didn’t even know I was doing. I was dreaming in a box. There were brackets placed on my dreams – caged-in beliefs of what I thought was possible. Mind you, I thought I was dreaming big. I was like, “Woohoo, look at me...
by marilynalauria | May 25, 2017 | Abundance, Coaching, Empowerment |
Facebook Live May 24, 2017 – Living an inspired, action-oriented life! Check out my class starting June 1st – Abundant Living with Your Guides
by marilynalauria | May 17, 2017 | Abundance |
Here is the Abundant Chakra Meditation – Enjoy! Want to dive deeper into Abundance? Check out my class starting June 1st – Abundant Living with Your Guides
by marilynalauria | May 11, 2017 | Empowerment, Guidance |
I’ve been wanting to write this blog post for soo long but overwhelm, busy schedule, life, launches and so many things distracted me from writing. I want to give you ten tools to do in 2 minutes or less to lower your stress levels, change your mood, and just get you...
by marilynalauria | May 4, 2017 | Empowerment |
Okay, I’m going to go on a bit of rant here so you may not want to read on. I’ll tell you upfront what the rant is about so you can decide. Spiritual Teachers who don’t tell you the truth! The truth? What do you mean? I will tell you now… Let me first tell you...