You and Your Soul’s Purpose

You and Your Soul’s Purpose

Soul Alignment Strategy Sessions Do you know your soul’s purpose? I’ve seen that question bring on cold sweats, confused looks, and tears of joy, depending on where the person was on their path. Wherever you fall with your answer, it’s okay. Weekly Wisdom: “There is...
We’re adding some SASS

We’re adding some SASS

Soul Alignment Strategy Sessions Marilyn’s Soul Sessions are getting an upgrade, including the name.  This is the first episode of the Soul Alignment Strategy Sessions (SASS). Everything evolves, and I want our work together to help you redefine and revive your life...
With a Little Help from My Friends

With a Little Help from My Friends

Marilyn’s Soul Sessions Weekly Wisdom: “Whenever I feel weak, I’ll remember those who make me strong. And whenever I start to doubt myself, I’ll remember those who believe in me.” Last week I was walking Micah in the woods near my home. I...