by marilynalauria | Nov 19, 2020 | Marilyn's Musings, Podcast |
Magical Guides Having Your Back Welcome to a captivating episode centered around the mystical realm of spirit guides where I discuss how the Magical Guides Have Your Back. With over 14 years of experience, I am thrilled to share my profound insights on these guiding...
by marilynalauria | Nov 12, 2020 | Podcast |
Today we are talking about the symbolic language of your soul and why it is so important to read symbols based on your life experience. You don’t have to depend on Google, or even books, or your Aunt Sally or your friend Frank. Our guides talk to us in vibration...
by marilynalauria | Nov 5, 2020 | Podcast |
Today we’re going to be talking about hauntings. I have an entertaining story to share with you when I lived in a haunted apartment before knowing I was a medium. I use to wake up in the middle of the night by something touching my feet. It used to freak me out!...
by marilynalauria | Oct 29, 2020 | Podcast |
I want to talk about the difference between psychics and mediums. I’m a big believer that we’re all gifted and I want to encourage you to learn what your gifts are. My definition of medium is not so traditional, but it’s what works for me. For me,...
by marilynalauria | Oct 28, 2020 | Podcast |
I’m having a lot of fun sharing these stories, and I hope that you’re enjoying them too. So today we’re going to be talking about clairvoyance. Your guides speak to you in vibrations and the universe speaks through symbols and vibration. Everything...