Are you ready to live a Five Star Life? What would you LOVE to achieve?
So many feel as tho they have tried everything and yet, nothing works.

You know you are meant for that life!

In my training below, I will be sharing 5 Unexpected Ways to Achieve Your Goals so that you can live the life you desire!

If you prefer to watch on YouTube, you can do that here.

Click here to get the 3-part video series Soulful Living with Your Guides

Marilyn’s Soul Session Summary

Do you have a dream in your heart, and no matter what you do, you can’t seem to make it happen? You truly want to be living your 5-star life, but for reasons you don’t understand, you’re not.

I remember feeling like that. I knew my purpose, created goals, took action, and was even going along great at times, only to feel like life had suddenly sucker-punched me. That, “What the heck just happened?” feeling is not fun!

Today, we’re going to talk about the unexpected steps you’ll take on the way to meeting your goals and living a 5-star life. Near the end of this newsletter, I’ll also share how you can get my video series on soulful living (for free!).

Let’s dig in.

Step 1. The “inspired” phase

Maybe you are washing dishes, driving, or sitting on ‘the throne’ when it hits you, but suddenly, you just know what you’re supposed to do. You’re super excited and can’t wait to share.

So, you share your purpose with your friend. And they tell you how impossible it is and share a list of hundreds of ways it’s going to fail. They beat your big dream to a pulp, and you feel defeated. Now what?

Lesson: You just learned not to share your dreams with people who can’t support you. It doesn’t make them bad people. They’re just living with limitations that you’re ready to move beyond.

If you can’t find someone local to support you, find an online community or connect extra deeply with your Guides and get support from them.

Step 2. The “go for it” phase

You realize that someone else’s limits don’t have to hold you back. So, you decide to move forward.

Perhaps you think of someone who can help you. You write a beautiful note or rehearse the perfect words to say in a call or meeting, and you get a big, resounding ‘no.’

Lesson: The experience can shake your confidence and make you question your path. It helps to think of this as a character-building moment. Dust yourself off, get up, and keep going.

Step 3. The “making some progress” phase

You heal from the last rejection, take action, gain some momentum, have a little success, and then the proverbial fecal matter hits the oscillating blades on the ceiling.

Again, you’re probably thinking, “What the (insert your favorite expletive) just happened? I’m living my purpose and taking steps forward on my path!”

Lesson: Your past limitations may be coming to the surface again, giving you a chance to work through them and get even clearer about what you want and why. Think of it as more character building. This phase can be tough, but it’s important. Hang in there!

Step 4. The “seriously?!?” phase

You get back on track, start meditating or using affirmations, keep taking action, and your dream is STILL not happening. You may deeply question if your dream is meant to be or if you should hang it up and settle for something else.

Lesson: This phase happens because you’re still in reaction mode instead of introspection. You’ve been working on letting go of limitations and building character, but you aren’t quite to the point of being able to see where all of it leads. Life is still happening to you instead of you being fully empowered.

Focus on what you need to do, learn, let go of, or choose for you to make it to the next phase.

Step 5. The “Ta-da!” phase

Your dream takes off, and you finally understand that everything you went through was preparing you for something greater—something you couldn’t have imagined during phase one, not alone realized that it was what you were working toward the entire time.

Lesson: You’ve gone through the cycle once. The next time it starts, you see it coming. You have tools to help you get through it. You breathe because you know it’s just part of the circle of life. You understand that blocks and challenges build the character and give you the tools you need to live your 5-star life.

Weekly Wisdom: Live your purpose every day, even if you’re dealing with struggles and challenges. Do it small if you have to but do it.

I give some examples of how to live your purpose even when you’re dealing with challenges near the end of this week’s Facebook Live at about 49 minutes into the Live and again at 50 minutes.

Next week, I’ll be live on Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. PT. Join me, invite a friend if you’d like, and let’s have some fun! I’ll be talking about 5 Quick Tools to Connect to Your Inner Wisdom so You Can Feel Confident in Your Decision Making.



➔ I go live every week on my business page, and you can join it here You can make this page a shortcut on Facebook, so you don’t lose it.