For years, I struggled with being an empath. When I was a child, I was told I was too dramatic.  My mother would call me Sandra Bernhardt, a very woe-is-me actress from the old time movies.

My brothers, who are all cops and attorneys, would balk because I wouldn’t watch the news and didn’t want to know what was going on in the world. They thought I was insane for refusing to be informed. I knew by not watching it was the only thing that was going to keep me sane. Every time I tried to make my family understand my situation, I was met with responses like: “that’s ridiculous.”

I remember telling my therapist that every time I was at the gym running on the treadmill and the news would be on that I would just burst into tears. His reply: “You probably shouldn’t do that. People will think you’re weird.”

Thanks, doc!

What I didn’t tell any of them was that when I would walk by people in wheel chairs or the elderly, tears would start flooding my eyes. Or if I’d see an injustice, I’d be overtaken by fury. Or if I passed a sad child, I’d just want to hug them and tell them everything will be all right. I felt like I was coming apart at the seams afraid to leave my house because I didn’t know what awaited me outside that door.

The message I was getting from the world was that I didn’t have the right to feel my feelings.

When I started studying mediumship, I became acutely aware that what I was experiencing was normal. What?!?  I’m normal? Really? There’s nothing wrong with me? Phew. I could breathe.

I was learning tools so I could exist in this reality and not feel so deeply or so acutely anymore. My heart had been closed down for so long because that was the only way I knew how to protect myself. I could finally communicate with my heart and soul and live more fully than before.

Now when I walk by someone who would normally make me cry, a different thought plays in my head. I witness the person and I’m excited to help them. I know that my profession is getting me closer to do more for people that suffer from these ailments. I know that this project I’m putting my attention on is going to help me to support so many other people in this world and they, in turn, are going to support more people. I’m confident that I am making a difference. It was an amazing moment for me the first time this happened – to be able to pull myself out of the sadness, not merge and instead to tap into my work as a healer and see all the possibilities. Thanks to these changes, I am thriving.

For those of us who are empaths, and not everyone is empathic, we wish they understood. “Can’t you see that I am so affected by that awful story you just told me about the neighbor’s dog?” we want to say. “Can’t you understand that I need to go home now and cry? Don’t you understand that I can’t go to that loud concert, party or big, crowded event you have steered clear for so long?”

Not everyone can understand, leaving you feeling as though there is something wrong with you.  However, the more you open yourselves up to Spiritual awakening and self-analysis, the more you experience life on a deep, intense level.

I completely understand this struggle. I felt alone. But now I know I’m not. You aren’t either.

A few years ago, I taught a class on this very subject and I’ve recently updated the material to provide fellow empaths with specialized tools and techniques to help you feel safe, help you open your heart and help you thrive as you are meant to.

As soon as you sign up for this new and improved class, you will receive a beautiful e-book so you can start working on your ability right away.

On Thursday, June 9th at 4pm (PDT) you can join me live for a class on empathic ability. I will go over some of the tools with you then to show you how to open up your heart. I will also be taking live questions.

Don’t worry if you can’t make the class live. You will receive the replay and most of the times the question you have, will be asked by someone else. I do hope you can join me for this exciting and eye-opening class on how to be a secure, authentic version of you!

Sending you love, light and clarity,
