Marilyn Alauria


🌙 Dive into the Mysteries of Your Dreams 🌠

Dreams are more than just fleeting images during sleep; they are a symbolic language, a unique code waiting to be deciphered. Even dreams about Uncle Bob carry hidden symbols. Have you ever wished to unravel the meanings behind your dreams? Now is your chance!


🌙 Dive into the Mysteries of Your Dreams 🌠

Dreams are more than just fleeting images during sleep; they are a symbolic language, a unique code waiting to be deciphered. Even dreams about Uncle Bob carry hidden symbols. Have you ever wished to unravel the meanings behind your dreams? Now is your chance!

💡 Why Explore Your Dreams?

✨Symbols Unveiled:

Discover the profound symbolism in your dreams and learn to decode the messages they hold.

✨Direction and Clarity:

A symbolic language is a compass for life’s decisions. Gain insights into the direction to take and choices to make, providing clarity for your journey.

✨Unique Symbolic Language:

Every individual possesses a distinctive symbolic language. Break free from Google searches and learn to interpret what symbols mean specifically to you.

Making Business Decisions Based on Your Soul
Making Business Decisions Based on Your Soul

🚀 Your Next Adventure Awaits!

Are you ready for a transformative journey into the realm of dreams? Join Marilyn as she guides you to delve deeper into your dreams, helping you construct your personal divine symbolic library. This library will become your guide on the path you are meant to tread in life.

🌈 What This Course Offers:

Dream Assignment Answers:

Learn how to pose deep questions to yourself and receive the answers through dream assignments.

Dream Interpretation Mastery:

Unlock the art of interpreting your dreams, extracting meaningful insights.

Guide Communication in Dreams:

Explore the fascinating realm of conversing with your Guides within the dream landscape.

Dream Recall Techniques:

Acquire methods to remember your dreams vividly, ensuring you don’t miss the wisdom they offer.

Decoding Symbolism:

Understand what constitutes a symbol in your dream and how to interpret its significance.

Lucid Dreaming Insights:

Embark on the exploration of lucid dreaming, unlocking a realm where you have conscious control

🌌 Your Dream Adventure Begins Now! 🌠

If you aspire to pose deep questions and receive profound answers in your dreams, if you long to meet your Guides in the ethereal landscapes of sleep, this class is tailored for YOU.

🔮 Join Marilyn and Unveil the Secrets of Your Dreams! 🔮

About Marilyn

Marilyn Alauria, author of GUIDES: Mystical Connections to Soul Guides and Divine Teachers, is a gifted psychic medium, teacher, and coach with an unmatched capacity to ignite deep, soul-level transformation for her clients around the world. 

As the creator of Next Level Living and Soul Finder Academy, she has given us a clear action plan for developing our talents, following our purpose, fulfilling our dreams, and living in alignment with our souls. 

Marilyn teaches spirituality in a way that leads to a practical, meaningful, and joyous life—no unicorns, flying carpets, or impossible routines required. She simplifies the path to living a life of peace, ease, and alignment, making true fulfillment easy and achievable for her students. After a successful Emmy Award-winning career in the entertainment industry with MTV and NBC Olympics, Marilyn shifted her focus to sharing her natural gifts and helping others discover their own intuitive abilities. As a psychic medium, healer, teacher, author, and speaker, she lights up audiences around the world, delivering the training and guidance needed to succeed, thrive, and prosper.


Marilyn Alauria is a kick-ass teacher and guide. She teaches while NOT taking away your ability to create your life and guides just enough to inspire and assist, we all need help and so many take advantage when we are in that vulnerability, she does not, and that approach is also in her communications.”
I really love how real and authentic she is and she really shares from her heart and experience.  I learn so well that way.  She makes the practice of connecting with your guides so accessible, and I really appreciate that!
“Marilyn’s classes are amazing. Through sharing her knowledge and experience freely and happily with us all, she empowers us and helps us to find our own voice and own connection to the unseen world. Her way of empowering us through her practical teaching style with lots of exercises is what makes her the best teacher I ever encountered. I feel that through her webinars and classes my clairesenses have opend much more, and my trust in the messages received has grown in ways I had never expected or dared to dream.”