Marilyn’s Soul Sessions

Today you’re going to get five tips to help you avoid the five biggest mistakes people make when reading tarot cards. Before we dive in, I want to make sure you know how to get a gift from me today.

To get your free pdf called, The Magician: Tarot Secrets Revealed, go to the Facebook Live, type in MAGIC in the comment section, and we’ll deliver the free pdf to you via Facebook messenger.

I think this week’s knowledge nugget applies to far more than tarot readings.

Weekly Wisdom: Take what you like and leave the rest. You never have to let someone else force their ideas, interpretations, or beliefs on you.

Alright. Let’s dive right into the tips!

Tip #1: Stop giving away your power. Don’t give it away to other mediums, healers, or even the cards.

The tarot cards are an extension of YOU…of the infinite wisdom and inner knowledge that flows through you. Established symbolism isn’t important. You want to know what the cards and symbols mean to your life not what someone else was taught they mean.

Of course, it’s okay for others to give you a reading or healing, but you need to stay involved in the process. I like to ask my Guides to work through the people whom I have do readings or healing for me. You can ask your Guides to do that for you, too.

And if something someone else says doesn’t jive with what you’re experiencing, keep your power and trust yourself.

Tip #2: Don’t get stuck on the definitions of the cards.

The definitions of each symbol and the established meanings of the various cards can be fun to learn. But here’s the thing; you don’t have to memorize or know any of it.

What the symbol means to you and how that applies to your current life—that’s all you need to know to get a meaningful reading.

Keep in mind that what the cards and symbols mean today aren’t what they have to mean for the rest of your life. In fact, if you’re using your life experience and intuition to read them, the cards and symbols will mean something different to you in different phases of your life.

Tip #3: You can’t get it wrong!

There’s no need to be afraid that you’ll mess up or use the cards wrong.

There are lots of books written about tarot. One person might write about how tarot is related to Buddhism while another relates it to Jungian theory and another uses Italian culture, etc. That doesn’t mean that one book is right or that others are wrong.

Our consciousness is evolving, our world is evolving, and we’re learning and growing. Why wouldn’t the knowledge of the cards evolve, too?

Our understanding of the cards evolves. That’s why it’s more important to read based on intuition and life experience than it is on any book, established symbolism, Google search, or outside source.

Don’t disengage from your intuitive self when you read tarot. Engage with it!

And allow your dreams to evolve, too. I never thought about it until my Guides told me last week, but dreams that formed when we held limiting beliefs might be too narrow now. Allow your dreams to live and evolve.

Tip #4: Ask empowering questions.

Asking disempowered questions is an unintentional way that we give away power. We’ve all done it, but it’s time to stop.

Asking, “Will I get married?” gives someone else the power to say yes or no despite what you want. If you want to get married, ask “What do I need to do to open up to marriage?” or, “What do I need to do to find my soulmate?”

We like to ask questions that have yes/no answers. But sometimes the answer can’t be expressed that way. If you find yourself repeatedly asking the same question, stop asking it. Ask an empowering question so you can move forward.

If you don’t know how to ask or don’t trust yourself to ask the right question, try asking, “What can I do to open up to x?” ‘X’ is, of course, whatever you’re asking about.

Tip #5: Every card has a positive or negative possibility. Choose the version you want and that works to motivate you.

So, if the devil card comes up, there’s no need to freak out over it. Sure, your Guides might be communicating that there are some things for you to work on, but they aren’t saying you’re evil and condemned to a hellish life or hell itself.

Maybe you’re chained to materialism, or a job you hate, or harmful behavior that’s going to have serious consequences if you continue. But on the card, the chains are loose. So, you may be getting the message that there’s something to pay attention to so that you can free yourself from those chains.

The death card might simply mean that one part of your life is fading away. But it can also let you know that it’s okay to let it go because better things are coming your way.

Tarot readings give you the information you need to move forward in life, find solutions to your challenges, and live in an empowered way that brings your dreams to life.

If you’d like to learn more, I’m offering a course on learning to read tarot cards intuitively. Click here to check it out and sign up ➔ Soulful Tarot.  Plus, there’s an option to try out Membership for Your Soul for free!

Laura · Your Live presentations made me look at Tarot in a whole new way 🙂 Thank you

In case you missed the Facebook Live, you can watch it below. To get the pdf, go to the live on Facebook by clicking here and then type in MAGIC in the comment section, and we’ll send you the free pdf via Facebook messenger, The Magician: Tarot Secrets Revealed.



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