Many years ago I went to see Wayne Dyer speak. Truthfully I wasn’t that impressed with my experience and was actually a little disappointed. Now before you get upset and close out of this newsletter. Hear me out.
Four years ago I picked up the book by Anita Moorjani, “Dying to be me.” This book was a turning point in my belief system and a very critical time in my life. When I learned how this book came about and the influence Dr. Dyer had on making this happen, my feelings for him shifted. I never disliked him; I just didn’t fully resonate with him and therefore didn’t get to know him or his material after my experience hearing him speak.
After reading Dying To Be Me, I started paying a little more attention to Wayne and I began to really like him. I still wasn’t a full on follower but I truly appreciated who he was, his work and his transparent nature. I liked his Facebook page, bought a few more of his books, and had an overall appreciation for what he did.
As we all know, Dr. Dyer passed away this past weekend. What I felt with his passing was very profound. Now let me preface this with saying, I am not one of those mediums who you will ever hear say “I am a medium to the Celebrities.” Frankly that just annoys the crap out of me. Why is an “A” list celebrity any more important than my client in Kenosha, Wisconsin? I once turned down a huge “A” list celebrity because I couldn’t fit her in. When I told a producer that was interested in me that I did that, he said, ‘oh no you can’t do that. You need to be able to say you read them’. Why, I ask again? Why? We are all important. God has gifted every single one of us whether we are raising children in Brooklyn or leaping from a plane in Mission Impossible. And again, I digress…..lets get back to the original topic.
When Wayne Dyer passed, I felt him around me. I felt him around all of us. I felt him up in the air telling me to move forward with my dreams. To continue teaching what I was teaching and to trust my inner wisdom. I felt him tell me there is no ego on the other side and all of this doesn’t matter. I heard him say, he is doing so much more for all of us now. I felt him touch me and I felt him touch everyone else at the same time. It was fascinating. Yes, that’s about the best word I could come up with in the moment.
Do you know how I found out that he had passed? I was doing something that even took me by surprise. I was on the phone with Balboa Press purchasing a self-publishing deal for my book about Getting to Know Your Guides. This was not the first book I wanted to write. I have been writing a memoir about the murder of Sal Mineo for years. So finding myself on the phone this past Monday ordering an expensive publishing deal, was quite unusual for me. Even before I knew he died, I felt something bigger than me pushing me to buy this program. Then the woman on the phone revealed to me that Wayne Dyer had died. When I heard that, I just knew I had to write this book, I had to purchase this publishing deal and I had to keep teaching what I know to be true.
We are all Celebrities, we are all Gifted, we are all Magnificent and touched by God.
Thank you Dr. Dyer for continuing to teach me from the heavens above. You are greatly missed here on Earth but we all know we have an Angel on our side.